Dialogue Forum on Internet Rights
Rome 27th September 2007
Rome 27th September 2007
Angel_f's incursion at the international conference for Digital Rights
Angel_f came to know about the conference orgnized by the Internet Governance Forum of the United Nations, to be held in Rome, on September 27th, 2007.
Perfectly aware of the fact that the decisions made on that occasion would influence humans' life and his own, he was really happy to have a chance to communicate with those people responsible for the definition of the rules for access to the digital world, and to offer them his contribution
He immediately signed up at the on line forum that was set-up for the occasion to collect and discuss the audience-contributed issues, but he was also clearly mindset about his will to "personally" attend the conference.
With the help of his two friends and collaborators xDxD and penelope.di.pixel, he prepared a bluetooth device that would allow him to show up directly on the mobile phones of the members of the audiece, communicating his message:
"We want ways!"
"We want wit!"
From his vantage point of view, Angel_f's wish was to highlight several anomalies afflicting the processes used by human beings to assess "Innovation".
With the wisdom and innocence of a digitl child looking at our world, the young digital being showed how “the technological revolutions is, more appropriately, an evolution”.
Yet our social, cultural and anthropological models are still not ready to integrate with this change. In this scenario, politics and its models appear to be totally distant and unsuitable.
Alternatives are available - technology enabled them -, but they remain unclear to the masses. This is due to the fact that technological élites are the only owners of the language needed to understand and handle this evolution and, on the other side, he engineering approach of the technocratic élites is totally functional to those centralized structures (both public and private) determining the shape of the world and of society.
Evolution is provided to the masses as a new form of consumism: lots of broadband, lots of files, lots of access for everyone, with no mention whatsoever about the ecological and social implications brought on by this way of life.
In the meanwhile, as our little Angel_f makes us notice, our public identities are handled by those same infrastructures that are the object of centralized control: operators and providers own our data and we are forced to conform our identities to preset schemes.
This happens every time we perform an apparently simple and consequence-less action such as approving the terms of use of a website or such as filling out a form.
Angel_f's message is still waiting for moderation on the conference's forum when the three friends arrived, quite early, at the event's venue: their cameras and voice recorders ready to document everything. The Protomoteca hall, hosting the event, was filled with sixty years old men wearing suits and ties (it was actually difficult to tell politicans apart from the marble busts filling the hall): the young generation is almost absent or functional to the old one; videotaping and taking pictures is forbidden: innovation is old and the institutions want to talk alone.
Angel_f's message will never be published on the event's forum (or, possibly, it is still awaiting moderation...), just as there will never be trace of those faces curiously looking at their bluetooth mobile phones.
But Angel_f and his friend pulled themselves together and, having learned the lesson, they found alternative ways to deliver their message to humans. Using the collaborative web, little angel's message, available at [how-2.be], has been uploaded to hundreds of blogs and websites owned by associations, newspapers and individuals, obtaining an outstanding media coverage!
Angel_f is happy and untroubled, as he's confident that he was able to let his message through.
Franca Formenti
Derrick de Kerckhove
Antonio Caronia
Carlo Formenti

Angel_f came to know about the conference orgnized by the Internet Governance Forum of the United Nations, to be held in Rome, on September 27th, 2007.
Perfectly aware of the fact that the decisions made on that occasion would influence humans' life and his own, he was really happy to have a chance to communicate with those people responsible for the definition of the rules for access to the digital world, and to offer them his contribution
He immediately signed up at the on line forum that was set-up for the occasion to collect and discuss the audience-contributed issues, but he was also clearly mindset about his will to "personally" attend the conference.
With the help of his two friends and collaborators xDxD and penelope.di.pixel, he prepared a bluetooth device that would allow him to show up directly on the mobile phones of the members of the audiece, communicating his message:
"We want ways!"
"We want wit!"
From his vantage point of view, Angel_f's wish was to highlight several anomalies afflicting the processes used by human beings to assess "Innovation".
With the wisdom and innocence of a digitl child looking at our world, the young digital being showed how “the technological revolutions is, more appropriately, an evolution”.
Yet our social, cultural and anthropological models are still not ready to integrate with this change. In this scenario, politics and its models appear to be totally distant and unsuitable.
Alternatives are available - technology enabled them -, but they remain unclear to the masses. This is due to the fact that technological élites are the only owners of the language needed to understand and handle this evolution and, on the other side, he engineering approach of the technocratic élites is totally functional to those centralized structures (both public and private) determining the shape of the world and of society.
Evolution is provided to the masses as a new form of consumism: lots of broadband, lots of files, lots of access for everyone, with no mention whatsoever about the ecological and social implications brought on by this way of life.
In the meanwhile, as our little Angel_f makes us notice, our public identities are handled by those same infrastructures that are the object of centralized control: operators and providers own our data and we are forced to conform our identities to preset schemes.
This happens every time we perform an apparently simple and consequence-less action such as approving the terms of use of a website or such as filling out a form.
Angel_f's message is still waiting for moderation on the conference's forum when the three friends arrived, quite early, at the event's venue: their cameras and voice recorders ready to document everything. The Protomoteca hall, hosting the event, was filled with sixty years old men wearing suits and ties (it was actually difficult to tell politicans apart from the marble busts filling the hall): the young generation is almost absent or functional to the old one; videotaping and taking pictures is forbidden: innovation is old and the institutions want to talk alone.
Angel_f's message will never be published on the event's forum (or, possibly, it is still awaiting moderation...), just as there will never be trace of those faces curiously looking at their bluetooth mobile phones.
But Angel_f and his friend pulled themselves together and, having learned the lesson, they found alternative ways to deliver their message to humans. Using the collaborative web, little angel's message, available at [how-2.be], has been uploaded to hundreds of blogs and websites owned by associations, newspapers and individuals, obtaining an outstanding media coverage!
Angel_f is happy and untroubled, as he's confident that he was able to let his message through.
Franca Formenti
Derrick de Kerckhove
Antonio Caronia
Carlo Formenti